Welcome and thanks for coming to the blog. We know that although many of you are quite savvy at navigating through the online world, many are not. So we are very grateful that you're taken the time to come here and get more information about this most precious day in our lives. Thank you for all your love and support. Check here often for updates and answers to questions that people have. We will be posting more and more important information as the big day gets closer!

With joy and love, aaronandcoral

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wedding craziness is underway!

The craziness that occurs 6 days before a wedding is total madness. Who knew...

See for yourself!

Thanks for all your love and support.

Love, A & C

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Questions about our registry...

We've been getting some questions about our registry. We've decided to forgo a traditional registry and use a honeyfund registry. This registry will allow you to look at our honeymoon plans and to help us enjoy our first few weeks together as a married couple. This decision was based on the knowledge that we wouldn't know where we would be living until moments before the wedding. We thank you in advance for all the love and support that you give to us!

Please go to http://www.honeyfund.com/wedding/aaronandcoral or look to the right side of this post and click on Registry through honeyfund.com.

Love. A&C

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The first few RSVPs are in...

Thanks everyone! I'm so glad that we're able to use this website to get RSVPs in and to get information out. I'm so excited that the first few RSVPs have started to come in. Please keep checking here for updates. Also, you can contact us if you need to at the title of this site aaron(dot)and(dot)coral(at)gmail(dot)com!

We love all of you!

Monday, March 28, 2011


They have been sent out finally! Yeah. Look for them in the mail. I have to say thanks to Chau Bui for all her help. I couldn't have done all of it without her support and dedication. :)

I also want all of you to know that if you have questions please feel free to email me or call. We have tried to make this process as simple as possible. So know that we love you guys and can't wait to see you.

Please look to the right side of the page and find the important links. It includes maps, hotel info, registry info, and where you can go to RSVP.

With joy,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

undergoing the craziness that is wedding planning

there is so much crazy that happens when planning a wedding. i was never one to have my mind made up as to what i wanted for the day of my wedding. i really only knew that i wanted to have it outside and that i wanted to have beautiful pictures. everything else can be whatever it will be. i've gotten so much stuff done over the last few months but it seems to be never ending. aaron and i right now are trying to proof the designs of the invitations. hopefully we can manage to get those out in the next few weeks. people are booking tickets and making plans for travel and we are so grateful. i hope all is well with everyone and please check back to this site for updates and if you just want to read some fun ramblings.

love, a+c